Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sean Roach made me the loser study

I am feeling very humiliated, angry, resentful, disgusted, and
betrayed right now. I wish for an apology for how my mother was
treated and demand a full refund of all of the fees we were both

I just got home from a weekend R/E course by Al Lowry that took place
in Calgary Alberta Canada this weekend. Sean Roach did his sales
presentation with his usual energy and enthusiasm and while showing
the testimonials for the program he featured "The Loser Studies"
showing how the program didn't work for those who couldn't get off
their duff. Very well and commendable except it was me and it wasn't
entirely truthful.

Back on February 16th immediately after hearing Sean's presentation at
Chris Johnson's Free Money University and my mother having bought the
program for me; I registered to AdsenseRealestate and went through the
quick start guide and watched the getting started videos. After my
newbie research checking out popular products on ebay and google ads
and from exploring ARE I decided I would take advantage of women's
marketing and the available pre-built websites. I got the unique
websites,, and built and my goal was to use the pre-built sports
websites as sub-domain specific niches for my two sports websites.

It took a few weeks to get the websites built and to figure out how to
upload them for hosting. Upon seeing the results of the completed
product, trying to get in contact with other successful users of
rip2it, and figuring out a success timeline that would allow us to pay
the $97 monthly fee when it came due at the end of April with our
profits my mother decided to complain and cancel our subscription in
mid-March. She wanted to speak/email with Sean Roach as our experience
hadn't met up with the promises he'd made during the February
presentation including his 100% guarantee. However, the rip2it office
said it was impossible to contact him as they didn't even have his
email/phone number. In the end the rip2it office agreed to cancel our
membership before the $97 monthly fee came due. We couldn't get the
product cost that she had paid for at the event because in the fine
print it states that you only have 3 days to cancel despite the
promised guarantee Sean had made. So in March we thought our account
had been cancelled and that was the end of our association with

However, last week both my mother's credit card (that she had used to
purchase the product) and my credit card (that I had used to buy the
web domains) was charged $97 and when we called to contest the charge
we were told we would have to submit an online support ticket and
would have to wait another 30 days for our account to cancel. We share
the one account and yet we were charged twice for it! My mother
understandably made a fuss and was upset as we'd already gone through
this fiasco in March and now they were double-billing us for a single
account we were told had been cancelled. Of course Sean Roach was
impossible to reach though she e-mailed Chris Johnson to contest the
billing and the quality of the rip2it product to which she received no

Now this afternoon Sean Roach is in Calgary again and touting how
people are making thousands of dollars within their first few weeks of
using Rip2It. Whoever, these people are they have been SILENT on this
forum and invisible elsewhere in my quest to find them. (It's
wonderful to have this forum, but it certainly isn't an award winning
active community like Sean made it out to be. The forum was mostly
inactive in the months leading up to February and has since picked up
in activity with the many new members who have since joined due to
Sean's evangelism) As I looked for these golden members, Pat was kind
enough to put me in contact with one testimonial, but upon contacting
him I discovered it had taken him 7 months to reach that fabled amount
and he has since left upkeeping Adsense to pursue other online
ventures. The most successful person I met in Calgary had made about
$9 from over 60 websites. These were factors that went into our
decision to cancel our membership in March.

Sean Roach does make a persuasive presentation and no doubt there are
millions to be made on the Internet. The rip2it system does seem
promising, but like many I got caught in the beginning gears as a
newbie though I tried my best to follow the "3 easy steps" and not get
daunted by the myriad of other things that we personally must do to
maintain/create/optimize these websites to some day make them
profitable to even be able to cover the monthly fee seemed to be in
the nowhereland beyond tomorrow. We just wanted quietly out.

But then as Sean Roach is bragging about the successful members who
some how can't be bothered to be a part of this forum community
(considering the quick start guide insists each member join this forum
and post an introduction) he points out my mother's complaints, our
"horrid" niche websites, and through the placement of quotes makes it
seem as though I am stating that I am jobless and about to be homeless
along with committing click fraud. (It was another user(s)'s quotes,
but he associated the quotes with my loser websites). Somehow, despite
Sean being inaccessible to his own rip2it office Chris Johnson was
able to forward Sean Roach my mother's email without any notice to

Wow, the Internet Genius Sean Roach was personally reviewing my
websites and offering pointers on it in front of an audience of
hundreds in my hometown and undoubtedly thousands from around the
world! Too bad he'd been unreachable to me and to his office and
couldn't even be bothered to contact us with a private email/phone
number to give me some tips to overcome my naivety in trying to get
started with rip2it and to make it a success for me and for him.

During the breaks he was hostile and antagonistic to the other
dissatisfied clients and my mother while wooing others with this
Guaranteed System of generating wealth. Sean is charismatic, but his
treatment of "the loser studies" caused him to lose credibility with
me and several of the other people in the audience today. As I write
this my big regret is that I didn't proudly stand up during his
presentation to confront him publicly about this issue as he publicly
humiliates my mother and me. Alas, I was too shocked and good mannered
to bring it up during the presentation. At the end of the event Sean
Roach could not be found to resolve our dispute.

The amicable and fair solution would be a full and complete refund as
understood in the guarantee along with an apology over the loser

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